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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ

Retention – How to keep your new straight smile forever

Once you have completed your orthodontic treatment, we will fit you for a retainer in order to keep your newly straightened teeth in alignment. One of the biggest myths of wearing braces is that, following treatment, your teeth will simply stay where we moved them. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the consensus recommendation is that retention is for life. Teeth have a tendency to move– either due to relapse, mesial drift, changes in the jaw itself, or even problems with gums in later years. A retainer will prevent this from happening.

Did you know that many of our adult patients with crooked teeth who are now seeking orthodontic treatment wore braces as a teenager? This is usually due to the fact that they did not wear their retainer, or it broke and they never replaced or repaired it. For this reason, we tell all our patients, especially teenagers, that wearing their retainer should be considered a long-term investment in their straight smile. In fact, retention is just as important as the process involved in getting your teeth straight in the first place.

At Sutton Orthodontics, we provide removable and fixed retainers, which are manufactured by our trusted orthodontic laboratory. Fixed retainers are made from a very thin piece of wire that are permanently affixed with bonding material to the back of your teeth. They are invisible when you smile, so nobody need know that you are wearing them and take away the risk factor of you forgetting to pop in a removable retainer. However, they do need to be carefully monitored by your general dentist who will monitor your care of the retainer, their continued effectiveness and related oral health issues.

With a quick turnaround time, we ensure we avoid any tooth movement following completion of your teeth-straightening treatment. Created from impressions or scans taken in clinic, the fit of each retainer is excellent – even the fixed retainers adapt well to the teeth, ensuring longevity. All patients who have fixed retainers also have removable retainers as back ups. For a long-term investment, speak to us about our retention recommendations – a retainer will ensure your healthy straight smile lasts you a lifetime.

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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ