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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ

Ceramic Fixed Braces are tooth-coloured brackets that blend in with your own teeth colour, resulting in virtually invisible braces.

If you would like your teeth straightened but feel uncomfortable at the thought of wearing traditional metal braces, ceramic braces are a great alternative to consider. Ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, use clear or tooth coloured brackets. Clear aesthetic wires and transparent elastic bands can also be used with the ceramic braces to decrease the visibility.

Ceramic braces can be an attractive option for those looking to correct their teeth and are shy about the look of traditional braces. This treatment offers a less intrusive and less noticeable look and is suitable for both children and adults.

Our Specialist Orthodontist can assess your suitability for the clear braces and determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment


Ceramic braces employ translucent brackets that match your tooth shade which works well in conjunction of the tooth-coloured wires.


The brackets used are smaller than those used with traditional metal braces which provides better comfort and is less likely to cause irritation.

Stain Resistance

The ceramic brackets used at Sutton Orthodontics are stain resistant and will remain stable throughout treatment. Elastics bands may stain with certain food types. This will be discussed with you at your appointment, and you will be advised on how to avoid this. We will also take steps to reduce this throughout your treatment.

For more infomation regarding this treatment

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Or Call: 020 8642 2072
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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ