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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ

iTero Scanner


At Sutton Orthodontics, we have decided to leave the messy trays and alginate material behind. We are now using state-of-the-art technology, the iTero Element Intraoral scanner to take an accurate 3D digital impression of your teeth. This gives us an exact image of your teeth to help us identify any orthodontic issues and provide recommendations on the best treatment plan for you.

Benefits of the iTero Scanner

The iTero Element IntraOral scanner is a handheld, digital scanner that allows us to get a precise impression of your teeth. The small wand-like device enables us to take a 3D scan of your teeth and gums which can be viewed immediately on the screen. This scanning process of your teeth does not cause any discomfort or pain.

Once the 3D models have been captured, we’ll use these to custom-make your orthodontic appliances to get you the very best result possible. Our patients can also view what their teeth could look like with Invisalign before they have even started their treatment.


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Anti-snoring Solutions

Many of us know only too well what it’s like to have our sleep disrupted by the snoring habits of partners. Statistics suggest it affects 40% of the population.

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Home Teeth Whitening

We have seen an incredible boom in the requests for Teeth Whitening at Sutton Orthodontics and it can be a great cosmetic enhancement to any smile.

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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ