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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ

We always aim to provide a high quality service to our patients and their parents/guardian. However, there are occasions when individuals are unhappy with aspects of the care provided and want to let us know what we can do to improve our services.  Perhaps you would like to provide positive feedback or compliment a staff member on a job well done!

We do have a Quick Survey which we would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete, which gives us valuable feedback.  However, should you wish to discuss anything further, please first speak to a member of staff regarding your concerns (possibly the receptionist if it relates to an administration issue or an orthodontist if it is a clinical matter), as these matters can often be resolved quickly through discussion with the staff member responsible for providing the service.

Alternatively, you can always contact the Business Manager, either by telephone, in writing or you can request to speak to her directly.  She is more than happy to discuss your concerns with you and look to resolve any issues that may have arisen.

What we will do when we receive your complaint:

All complaints are taken seriously and we will try to resolve them with you as quickly and as informally as possible.  If you decide you would like to make a formal complaint:

  1. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 5 working days
  2. Your complaint will be investigated by the Business Manager in liaison with the staff member involved in the issue. As part of the investigation, she may ask relevant members of staff to comment in detail on your concerns.
  3. Once we feel we have the full facts you will receive a response, in writing, within 10 days. There may be occasions when a complaint takes longer to investigate because of its complexity or the necessity to seek legal advice.  If this is the case, we will let you know and keep you informed about the progress of your complaint.

If you remain unhappy with the response to your complaint, you can:

  • Request a meeting with the Business Manager potentially along with the person responsible for the service you have complained about, to discuss any outstanding concerns.
  • Contact NHS England on 0300 3112233 or email or write to NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9PT.
  • If your complaint is specifically about an Orthodontist, you can also contact the NHS Commissioning Board at or by telephone on 0300 3112233.
  • As from 1st April 2009, you can refer your complain to the Health Service Ombudsman which works in conjunction with the Department of Health and Healthcare Commission to promote improvements in healthcare.

Get in touch

Anti-snoring Solutions

Many of us know only too well what it’s like to have our sleep disrupted by the snoring habits of partners. Statistics suggest it affects 40% of the population.

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Home Teeth Whitening

We have seen an incredible boom in the requests for Teeth Whitening at Sutton Orthodontics and it can be a great cosmetic enhancement to any smile.

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103 Brighton Road, Sutton, London, SM2 5SJ